Friday 1 May 2009

Are you Cocky? Or do you have Balls?

Uncocky people don’t like cocky people. This is likely because you are both jealous of them and repulsed by them at the same time. They represent both what you hate and what you aspire to be and have. You want their confidence, their swagger. You also want their jobs. But how do you get what they have without turning the asses that they are?

You need balls.

Having balls is an unappreciated strength. Having balls can open doors and create opportunities like you could never imagine. Having balls will change your life.

There is a person I know very well. He is taking something related to computers in school. The school sucks. They are not providing the education he paid for. This is a concern.

One of the classes he’s taking has to do with databases. His teacher, hereafter referred to as “Database Dude”, is not actually a teacher but a database administrator at a very big company nearby. He didn’t think it was necessary to provide his students with a textbook or tutoring or even open office hours. He comes, he babbles, he leaves.

This person is concerned because many people are failing this class and he doesn’t want to be one of them. Database Dude is being unhelpful, as is the college’s administration. This person does not know what to do.

His class is divided into three types of people.

Group One does not worry because they are certain they will be fine. They are smart and if they fail this course, f*ck the college, they don’t care.

Group Two is generally hysterical. “OhmygodwhatamIgoingtodo?” whines Group Two. “I’mgoingtofailandIwon’tgetmydegree! ThenI’llnevergetajob! I’llnevergetlaidagain!”

Group Three consists of one man, the very person we started talking about in the beginning of this post. He’s calling in favors from every nerd he knows. He’s asking his brother-in-law, his neighbor, some guy his wife met on the internet - everybody. He’s going to figure this out if it kills him. He’s close to knowing more about databases than Database Dude.

Pretend you’re in this situation. You want to be in Group Three.

Cocky people are in Group One. Wimpy people are in Group Two. People with balls are in Group Three.

I’m not going to give you a nice, handy list of ways to get balls, but you need them to run a home business. Balls is not something you can Google. (Well, you could, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t get the kind of results you were looking for.) You just need to be conscious of balls. You need to channel balls. You need to look your life in the eye and say, “I have balls.” (This is very different from looking your life in the balls and saying, “I have eyes.”)

Christine at Self Made Chick has a post called The Closed Mouth Doesn’t Get Fed (or something like that). When I read it, I was thinking of writing a post about asking for what you want, but I’ve decided not to bother. Hers is better. This is a tremendous tutorial on one of the most important aspects of balls. Please go and read it. Seriously, this is one of the most important things you can do for your career.

When you’re done, can someone figure out how to get a keyword density on how many times I’ve said “sucks,” “cocky”, “balls”, and “ass” in this post?

And they ask me why I didn’t run a picture.

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