Monday 29 November 2010

Have trouble with Anger? Don't

A friend and I picked up a big fight couple of years ago over a simple matter of who is who and what is what. We departed each other, haven't talked ever since. The matter has lost its relation to the time, and to us. What it has caused is a temporary feeling of re-empowerment and self-righteousness.

Here we are now, she still has my pictures that she hasn't sent me yet (probably keeping them still or has deleted them), and I still hold to the feeling of missing her, but can't let go of the anger our fight has left in me.

She is a gentle girl, very nice personality with bits and pieces of selfishness that sometimes transcends her relationship with others. I am not being judgemental, the same perhaps is true about myself. But the thing is, I have forgiven her and even forgotten the case, but don't seem to get round the idea of her still keeping her anger and whatever she believes is true about what actually happened. Here I am. Angry. Again.

Friday 26 November 2010

Crossroads 2. Or on how I have come to realize the need to "edit" my life

Many would probably argue that decisions we make are the overall outcome of our sole inclinations. You wake up, have a cup of coffee and are struck by an idea and then you go and turn that idea into reality. Oops, only your own reality. Well, however painful it is to acknowledge, this is how it is. At least, most of the time.

We can not always withstand the opposition. And ironically, most of it comes from within. A bit tough to realize, but this is not the only case. When I was just a living and practising journalist (this is how I like to think) most of my decisions stemmed from my inner drive to excel and be different. The first English language show on the National TV is an example. A very humble one, if you like:) I colleague of mine came up to me the other day and told me a very interesting story. The story about how I invited her over to my studio and interviewed her for my show. Looked strange to me because I remember literally every single person I had in the show and this one seemed quite out of the blue. And she said she was quite happy to show me the recorded programme with her in the studio.

And when she finally brought the DVD with the record, I felt uneasy. Really. The whole story seemed uneasy, and the way it made me feel. No no, it wasn't all about me being unable to remember her or whatever it was that I asked her. It was the difference and a clear discrepancy between me THEN and THE me, NOW:) A very sloppy look on the background with a very poor design of the studio and the accent and the manner and the posture and my weird confidence! Oh Gosh, it all made me blush:) Was there nobody to tell me how silly I looked and how silly the whole idea of doing an English show in the country where it wasn't the major language of communication? Or could anybody not dare tell me to brush my hair and have it cut shorter? The suit and the tie looked simply ridiculous! Ugh, and lots more!

I stood silent there for a moment and suddenly realised something I have long forgotten. And to me, it is the feeling that I never seemed to appreciate. All I did was to enjoy and do what I enjoyed doing most. I was sure I was doing the thing I did best. Well, clearly it was the best thing I could ever do all my life, but not the best way it could ever be done. I realised it upon my arrival in the UK and the first three auditions I screwed... And the marvellous Christabel King who told me that my nationality and the fact that I was not an English lad would always be the problem with my performance and success in doing the thing I love doing most. Another "confidence boost"! I completely have grown to believe it only did me a world of good in being objective in assessing my capabilities and come to terms with who I am and what I can do to either embrace this truth and/or change it altogether.

Well now. Back to the truth I neglected. Decisions. Certainly the whole experience with the show and all other things I did as a journalist was approved and never criticised. And the only reason thanks to which it all became a reality was .... freedom. The Freedom. I was free to do what I thought best and all. The decisions I made my sole responsibility. Dilnoza Mamadaliyeva who finally made it to the relatively big stage on and off the screen, and Gulsanem Allambergenova, who quit it first for education abroad, then for marriage. Good for her, it is always good to be able to choose and prioritise, isn't it? Something I always lacked. They were the two starkly contrasting outcomes of that responsibility. And surprisingly, Dilnoza is a mild example of how ambitious I can sometimes be and Gulsanem, the perfect example of how lazy and irregular I find myself at times.

I also had an opportunity to work with a large organization in the past.A very large one, almost international. They have branches almost in half of the developed world. And I had two bosses. Well, two excellent personalities. Excellent in all ways. Diplomacy, devilish reputation, perfect relationships - all in one (both of them). Looking at them and closely observing, I seem to have understood excellence in personality comes with limitations. You are great to people and your co-workers, when you feel deep inside you are not you. You are someone that somebody else would like you to be. And this is exactly how it is. You are someone. Not yourself. And that someone is visible in every single thing you do. To be honest, you lack the simplest thing. Freedom. Freedom to be you. When I think about it, I can see it would be very uneasy and difficult to have to depend on someone or be lead by someone who admires you inside, but can not approve or support you because it wouldn't match with the type of personality they are "programmed" to be. This is where decisions acquire a painfully complicated upturn. You can but are not allowed to do things you are best at doing, either for your personal growth or that of the organization you work for. You have a bunch of procedures, moods, approaches and a very very very complex relationships to go through for the simplest little thing you want to do to make yourself a happy life...

I am not feeling nostalgic of old times, since I have grown considerably ever since. I think all that I have learnt now (and I have learnt a LOT) boils down to the most banal fact.. that I am not as free as I used to be. Having wasted a lifetime of freedom, we come to appreciate small bits and pieces of it, scattered all around, and squeezed between minutes, hours and occasional days without work. I see the world and myself changing in the background of crazy schedule and sleepless nights. What I also see .. is the world of opportunities.. in the breaks of tiny bits of free time and sour restrictions.. Hope I am not too late to have come to this.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


Men Sardor Rahimxonning ashaddiy muxlisi emasman. Ming afsus. Har xolda, ko'p narsalarga beetiborroq bo'larmidim.. Uning "Hayot" deb nomlangan bir qo'shig'i meni o'yga toldirdi. Ohang juda yengil va quloqqa yoqimli, eshitimli...

Qo'shiq matni hayot mazmuni, undagi do'stlik, muhabbat, ishonch va sadoqat kabi yuksak tuyg'ular Sardorning yoshiga mos bo'lmagan, maslahatomuz ohangda tarannum etiladi... Muhimi bu emas... Meni o'ylantirgan narsa qo'shiq matnidagi boshqa jihat.

Bevafo yorlar, sevgi qadrini bilmaganlar, do'stlik rishtalarini oyoqosti qilganlar ketidan minglab, millionlab she'rlar, kitoblar, asarlar, kuylar va qo'shiqlar yaraladi..

Sevib, sevilmaganimiz uchun bizni seva olmagan yurakdan hafa bo'lamiz, biz qattiq e'zozlab, ko'klarga ko'targan insonlardan munosib javob ololmagach, yanada kuyunamiz... qarzini qaytarishdan qochib, telefon raqamlarini bir zumda o'zgartirib yuborgan "qadrdon" oshnalar, ishlaring yurishmaganda, "Balodan nari" qabilida yashagan kishilar... Hmm, bu ketma ketlikni beadad davom ettirish mumkin... To'g'rimi? Eng qiziqarlisi, kimga ahamiyati bor bu insonlarning... va ulardan qolgan og'riqli xotiralarning...?

Inson qalbi mutlaq baxtni ko'tara olmasligi haqidagi aqidaga juda ko'p amal qilib yashadim... Iztirobsiz hayotdan qochdim, o'zimni ozgina daxldor deb bilgan ijod olamiga intilish va uni faqat o'zimga xos tarzda talqin etish (gohida qanchalik bema'ni tuyulmasin)va o'zim haqiqiy deb bilgan qadriyatlar evaziga qurilgan poydevorga sodiq qolishni muhim deb bildim... Munosabatalrimdagi ahamiyatli va ahamiyatsiz odamlar... yoxud hayotimga ahamiyatli bo'lib kirib, o'z ahamiyatini yo'qotib, yalang'och chiqib ketgan yuraklardan hafa bo'lardim... Va uzoq vaqt kek saqlab yurardim... Juda uzoq...

Bugunning falsafasi biroz o'zgargandek go'yo, men adashayotgan bo'lishim mumkin... Bizga berilgan og'riq yuki uchun norozilik hissi bor vujudimizni qamrab olganda, gina-qudrat yordamga shoshadi, do'stlarimizdan o'pkalab, o'zimizdan qahramon yasab, bo'lgan voqeani yana birovlarga uzundan uzoq hikoyalar qilib beramiz...

Aslida oqayotgan suv qanchalik ko'p toshga urilsa, shunchalik toza bo'ladi, deyishgan ekan. Bizga otilgan har bir toshdan qolgan og'riq - o'ziga bas kela oladigan choraga zamin yaratarkan. Bu chora esa, yangi kuch manbaiga aylanadi.. Ana o'shandan keyin, har bir sinovli damdan orttirayotganimiz sabr, matonat va iroda astoydil mustahkamlanib boraveradi.

Endi o'zingiz o'ylang, biz hozirgacha yuragimizda ko'tarib yurgan ginaning og'ir yukidan qanchalik voz kechmas ekanmiz, uning o'rniga kelishi lozim bo'lgan xayrli fazilatlar shunchalik kechikaverarkan.

Shu o'rinda, sevimli qahramonim Askanio aytgan mana bu gapni eslayman:"- Do'stim, qo'ying endi, Yurakniyam ezg'ilab yubordingizku?! Uni qiynamang, u ham o'sishga, sizning bechora va xunukkina siyratingizdan yaxshiroq va teranroq, hech bo'lmaganda nisbatan baxtliroq inson suratini chizishga haqli..."

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Loneliness - a hunger of a soul

Loneliness is often caused by a lack of fit between the self and the world, based on values that do not mesh. Rather than reflecting a lack in the self, loneliness may be viewed as interactive, having to do as much with the world as with the self.
Many people are lonely. Some, more often than they admit to themselves. Some, more often than they admit to others. For loneliness is often considered to be a deficit of the self and its capacity to relate to others, rather than an interactive phenomenon that involves lack of fit between the values of the self and the values of the world. This lack of fit may not be a personal deficit, but rather a sign of spiritual growth that has taken place in oneself to which the world has not yet caught up. This may be true even if there are associated with it, emotional difficulties and limitations within the self that are in need of healing.

Although there are many practical and often tragic reasons for loneliness – loss of family or loved ones through death or catastrophe, loss of friends through relocating physically or through growing apart emotionally, feeling different from others based on early childhood experiences within or beyond the family – although all of these contribute to the feeling of loneliness, there is, beneath each of these, a problem of relationship between the self and the world . This problem can manifest as a feeling of estrangement between one's self and one's environment or social context, where, without family or close friends nearby, and sometimes even if they are nearby, one can feel like an outsider with no way of moving 'in'.

Feelings of loneliness often come to individuals who are more spiritually awake than those around them, often without knowing that this is the cause of their painful feelings. For greater 'awakeness' gives one a sense of how things might be if the world were different. It creates an inner aspiration toward an ideal of kindness, welcoming, and love that people would display toward each other whether they knew one another intimately or not. In some societies, this welcoming toward others who are not personally known is still a part of tradition and practice. But very often within contemporary society, despite religious principles to the contrary, others who pass us by during the day feel and act like strangers, not like those whom we might relate to with open-heartedness and trust.

To be lonely often reflects the hunger of a soul that is yearning for a different way of being with others - for a different way of life than seems possible, given the way the world. At present, there exists a level of fear and mistrust in the world that still causes people to erect defenses of self-protection, even when they are not needed. For those who are more awake, there is an aspiration for a world in which fear and self-protection is not present – in which people embrace each other because of their intrinsic humanity, not because of their status or role in life or what they can do for each other. This yearning for what has not yet arrived is often the source of great loneliness.

The soul that is hungry looks around for relationships that it feels compatible with. It seeks greater intimacy and love, and often does not know how to create these in situations where others define relationships in a different way. While it is true that many can find solace for loneliness in the company of like-minded individuals, often, the process of locating these others is a difficult one, taking a length of time and involving many experiences before the right 'fit' is found. It is also true that even within spiritually-focused groups, sometimes the values of the larger society impinge upon even these, so that less is possible than might otherwise be the case.

Loneliness is part of the time we are in – a time of transition from one way of life to another, from one set of values to another. For the consciousness that we have lived with for millennia has kept each person separate and apart, both from God and from others. This consciousness is changing now, but it has not yet eliminated the tendency to view others as 'other', and to protect oneself from unknown eventualities that might be hurtful to the self. Loneliness is still part of humanity's common language, because the bridge has not yet been crossed to the new values of love and oneness that will make it a thing of the past.

In the face of this, and avoiding self-blame and judgment of ohers, one can make choices about how to approach the phenomenon of loneliness.

One can wait patiently for the time to come in which the world will be different and people more open and receptive.

One can seek out the smaller associations with others who have similar values with whom one resonates.

And one can try, wherever possible, to take the risk of extending one's own values and ways of relating into the world, with the idea of giving what one would like to receive, and also of offering an opportunity of growth to others that they may not yet be able to offer to themselves. This gesture, though it may not be reciprocated outwardly, will nevertheless create an opportunity for someone else to awaken further, if they choose to. The extension of spiritual values into a context that is different from these often feels like a risk to the mind and heart that fears rejection, but it is an important way of helping to create the world that we wish to live in.

For today, all of the above options may prove useful in dealing with loneliness - waiting patiently, finding a small group of others whose values one resonates with, and becoming more willing to take risks so that others may be offered a greater degree of love than may be ordinarily expressed. These are all ways of moving through a time of transition.

Loneliness, as both a hunger of the soul and a pain within the heart can generate its own reward for the person who waits. It can strengthen the heart in its own values, even while it perceives itself as different from the world. It can create a stronger aspiration for a world of love and light, thereby contributing energy and intention to humanity's consciousness. And it can enable one to walk with God with a greater degree of commitment, even while it remains difficult to walk within the world as a part of it.

In all of these ways, if the desire for greater love can produce more lovingness on the part of the self, the experience of loneliness will allow the heart to grow larger, and will enable the world to become more whole as well.

Friday 4 June 2010

"No man is an island"

Sometimes I feel that the person who said this was very wrong. There are so many people i know of, so many people who go through life, being by themselves with no one to help them. The truth is, we are all islands. We are all lonely in some point in life or another.

We are all islands even if we are part of a huge family. Sometimes, the bigger the family, the more isolated we can feel.

We can have significant others and still feel like an island.

We can have the best friends in the world and still feel like an island.

We can have all the power in the world, we can be a king, queen, prince, princess and still feel like an island.

We can know all the answers to all the 'why' questions. We can have the key to unlocking the secrets of how the world works, and still feel like an island.

We can smile all the time, we can laugh all the time, we can say we are alright all the time, and still feel like an island.

Maybe the simple fact is that no man should be an island. No one should be lonely, no one should be sad. No one should face things by themselves.

In times of need, if someone has a hand to hold, he might find a lot of strength that he himself did not know that he had withnin him. Sometimes any form of human contact or touch can make the difference between surviving through a crisis or falling flat to the ground.

There are a lot of times however, in a person's life, where it is just impossible to have a hand to hold, impossible to want or crave support. That is when he realises that he truly is an island and no matter how lonely he feels, and how much he longs and craves for that support, he can never get it.

So instead of falling due to the lack of support, he has to search withnin that island of his, gain support from withnin. Learn to hold his own hand, learn to pat his own back, learn to be an island. When he achieves this, he would become a stronger person though it would not mean that he would stop longing for a hand to hold.

When those moments come crawling to his mind, he would be able to slap them away, and be strong, be an island and deal with loneliness without longing for that hand to hold.

However, we don't have to live with loneliness. While feeling lonely is an inevitable part of life, living with loneliness is not. Many require other to make them feel complete and happy. I am here to tell you it just is not so. When you find all the happiness you need inside yourself you attract like individuals. You become the beacon calling out to others and filling your own space with joy.

I by no means feel this is an easy task. Searching the depths of your soul to find the courage to become the best version of yourself takes tremendous courage. You feel as though you are putting yourself out in the world to be slayed by all the unhappy people. For every ounce of joy you will find a ton of sorrow. Perspective becomes essential. By finding the joy, relishing in it, experiencing it, soaking it up, you can dim the pain and suffering.

I know this sounds like little miss Molly Sunshine garbage, but it isn't. Our choices make our circumstance. No matter what we do we cannot control those around us, so it remains impractical to wrap your entire happiness around another person. When and if we do find a person to walk with, if we become too obsessed with them we often times are the very reason they leave us miserable. Trying too hard and not finding our own way makes a weight. Cliche as it is, being happy with yourself is the best way to ward off loneliness.

Friday 23 April 2010

Crossroads…(To my NG)

You never know what life has got in store for you. When you came along my way, I could never have guessed what way you were headed and that you could spare no pains in sweeping me off my feet. I never ever imagined and believed in the nature of feelings and their capability of taking you through a U-Turn when you are just to pull off far far away from the focal crossroad of your life. So, when the hopes started fading, I remember the last time I dreamt of anything like that. Not because have had a bad luck in love or anything, just because the permanent failure of feelings over pragmatic behaviour and the scattered visions of so many people I have met and the scattering effect those very visions have had on mine seemed to be telling me to get my feet off the water and start walking. But yeah, then you came. ..

And I suddenly lost the need to chase my crossroads and made my own U-Turn. As I opened my eyes every morning, I could surprisingly see those crossroads and the traffic lights of feelings and emotional bursts …. all those things you apparently are either allowed or prohibited to feel and do found themselves lifted up and flying over the clouds… literally pulling me off the depth I had fallen deep into.
You are a story. A brand new story. The one that wipes off all the lines written on the pages of my life. Funny, isn’t it? We meet, we talk, we hug, we kiss and when we do, the whole story gets a new ending, completely ignoring the way it began. Oftentimes I find your scent lingering around the house… but there is never a time I could rest in peace after you leave. An old saying keeps coming back… “Too good to be true”… well, I take myself good enough to disperse the tantalising effect this saying has on me… the one which keeps saying you don’t deserve this. In a sense, I think it is a good one. Keeps you moving. But funnily enough, every time one moves, you have a sense of destination. But the move I have with you seems to have no destination whatsoever. Headed nowhere… endless road with no direction…

All the things I feel on the go, all the things I find on the road, and all the things you show and I discover, just keep coming and pushing me higher and higher… or the distressing minutes we both feel also seem to just add up to these countless impressions with an intangible lesson we learn. This is the point when I discover the unknown thirst and inclination to go further and further, farther and farther… longer and … forever… I have not thought about whether I would have found strength and will to do the same with anybody else, but with you, all seems like an emotional rhetoric. A rhetoric to be followed. Not questioned.