Monday 24 November 2008

Growing or Shrinking...?!

When you feel changes occuring to you and to the people around you, the content is the fact that you are growing... Growing? Where? Out to the part of the world where nobody really cares about who you are (unless you you dont fear sticking you neck out endlessly trying to master the stage of your life), what you do and, most scarily, how you feel!

I seem to believe that the more you grow, the less humane you become.... You establish a state of being society calls maturity, where you unconsciously disconnect yourself from your friends, carers, family and the rest of the world... You start caring as less as they do AND the feeling gradually fossilises as those surrounding you develop similar patterns. 
Hmmm, very weird, isn't it? What is left? Where is the fun of growing older, maturer and smarter or wiser, however you name it? What if I like staying where I am and keep enjoying the warmth surrounding me endlessly and graciosly? 

This is the question I have and I am perhaps the one to answer: it never happens. Not at least when almost everybody falls victim of the eternal human quench for something better, something bigger, something more... But, is there a way back? Back .... home, back to parents, old friends...? 

The answer Oscar Levin has offered is "In movies and music of memories shall you go back and only temporarily"... Yeah, not sure if this is the answer I could ever put up with, but I have developed what I would call an emotional alternative which at least revitalises things in the past through music, through poetry, through the memories....

You keep thinking... I am giving it a go....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

я знаю где есть ответ на эти вопросы :) это зависит от нас, становимся ли мы "взрослыми" и холодными или остаемся настоящими. Почитайте книжку "Иллюзии" Ричарда Баха. А нет, "Мост через вечность". Он там со своим детсвом спортик как раз об этом. :) Гуд лак!